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This guided journal is designed to help you prioritize your well-being and make self-care a daily habit. With 30 days of prompts and exercises, you'll explore different aspects of holistic self-care, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

Each day, you'll be guided through reflections that will help you cultivate self-awareness, reduce stress, and increase your overall sense of well-being.

This journal is perfect for anyone who wants to prioritize their self-care but doesn't know where to start. By the end of the 30 days, you'll have a deeper understanding of your own needs and a toolbox of self-care practices that you can continue to use long after the journal is complete.

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This book is meant to take you on a journey of sorts, a challenging one perhaps, but a rewarding one nonetheless. The goal is to establish a healthier relationship with yourself that doesn’t involve loathing, anger, and resentment—the most potent antidote to these negative feelings is mindful acceptance, kindness, and compassion.

When you detach yourself from all the deeply-rooted fears, worries, and anxieties, you’re freeing up space to discover your actual values and the things that matter to you the most. Because at the end of the day, these things will guide you forward into the life you want to live.

As that space expands, you will learn how to redirect your energy and focus toward the people and experiences that allow you to grow, spread your wings, and free yourself from the shackles and constraints of your past.

So, are you ready to take your life back?

People in eating disorder recovery rarely, if ever, intentionally create space to think about and question the beliefs, values, and boundaries they hold about sexuality. Instead, we often only do so after they have been challenged, compromised, or violated. Discovering what feels right and comfortable for you personally requires being open-minded, curious, and reflective about your sexual experiences and beliefs.

So as we start this discussion about eating disorders and sexuality, I ask you to bring your inquisitive mind along.